Monday, April 10, 2017


You Know What?

I'm just tired of keeping this blog up to date from my old videos through my latest ones. 
Let's just cut to the chase and update this blog only from my latest uploads 
starting from: Rage Quit Rants Episode 1: I AM A BRONY 
(because this is where I was more determined to upload great quality videos 
even if the audio is the major problem, but the problem was resolved 
by adding subtitles.)(Remember: My videos are uploaded with no use of money)). That means all that "Videos starting from April 11, 2016 - Jan. 28, 2017 will only..." thing, was an unsuccessful. Sorry if this was unexpected, but you wouldn't care, WHO WOULD EVEN CARE? Do expect some of them will have lower quality than the others because (again) no use of budget were applied in making my videos.
If you have any questions or concerns from my channel or from this blog, comment it down below!

Thanks for reading!

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