Monday, July 31, 2023

On Avoiding a Climate Disaster: What I Think

We should stop messing about with fake commitments that make us feel better & actually solve the climate problem. Renewables, nuclear energy, and efficient energy storage are needed. Then, we must solve the problems on scalable carbon dioxide fixation/recycling. 

Read the book How To Avoid A Climate Disaster by Bill Gates.

After reading, you will realize that:

  • We don't need Ecosia,
  • We don't need to delete our emails,
  • We don't need to turn off our electricity,
  • We don't need to turn to veganism,
  • We don't need to save water.

Those things will not change the system. The people that advocate such are simply putting the blame on YOU, and certainly on the poorest of us. The #1 activity that humans do where the majority of the greenhouse gas come from is the manufacturing of products. So, should we blame the companies instead?

Not quite.

Everyone is to blame, but we do the things we do because it makes us happy and content with life. We don't need to be in survival mode. Instead, we need something like a global Manhattan Project where the greatest human minds come to remove carbon dioxide & drop the greenhouse gas to essentially zero or as near to zero as can be managed. We have already surpassed the 1.5°C limit, so the only route is to burn as much fossil fuel as we need to:

a) get to a new, green energy economy 

b) maintain economic development, and 

c) build breakthrough technologies that will remove CO2 on a global scale.

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